The first step towards delivering a successful project is Discovery & Planning. This phase involves understanding the business domain, defining the scope, and identifying the key events, interactions, and workflows that need to be implemented.

Objective: Perform Discovery & Planning for the Appointment Scheduling flow by producing the following artifacts:

  1. EHR: Big Picture Event Storm
  2. Appointment Scheduling: Domain Model
  3. Appointment Scheduling: Feature Requirements
  4. EHR: Project Plan

Let’s start with creating the EHR: Big Picture Event Storm before creating the domain model and feature requirements. This will help us identify and understand all high-level events, interactions, and workflows, ensuring the main value streams and business processes are captured.

EHR: Big Picture Event Storm

We’ll employ Event Storming as the main collaborative technique for Planning & Discovery, to model and explore the complex business processes, by focusing on events that occur within the system.

Event Storming encourages participants to visually map out key events, commands, and view models on a timeline, creating a shared understanding among stakeholders. It’s particularly useful because it breaks down silos, facilitates clear communication, and highlights bottlenecks or inefficiencies, ultimately leading to more effective and aligned solutions in software development and process improvement.

Big Picture Event Storm

The Big Picture Event Storm provides a high-level overview of the key events, commands, systems, and read models necessary for designing a robust Electronic Health Record (EHR) application.

The Event Storming process involves the following steps:

  1. Prepare: Prepare virtual collaboration tool, and invite key stakeholders.
  2. Define Scope: Clarify the boundaries of the EHR system and the main goals of the Event Storming session.
  3. Categorize Objects: Use different colors to categorize objects by type (Event Storming Legend).
  4. Identify Events: Write down all significant business events related to the EHR and place them on the timeline in order.
  5. Identify Actors: Identify all actors involved in the events and link them to their corresponding events.
  6. Detail Processes: Break down complex events into subprocesses and identify commands and policies.
  7. Capture Pain Points and Opportunities: Mark pain points, inefficiencies, and potential improvements with different colored notes.
  8. Discuss and Iterate: Facilitate discussions to validate events and processes, and iterate based on feedback.
  9. Document Outcomes: Save the virtual board and document insights, pain points, and opportunities.
  10. Follow-Up Actions: Create a summary report and define next steps such as detailed domain modeling or specific problem-solving workshops.

At the end of the Eventing Storming session, you should have a clear understanding of the main business processes, events, and interactions within the EHR system and have a visual model that can guide the subsequent design and development phases.

Big Picture Event Storm

Each swim lane in the Big Picture Event Storm represents a different business process or business domain within the EHR system.

Once we’ve captured the high-level events and interactions, we can proceed to create a more detailed event storm for the Appointment Scheduling process, aka Appointment Scheduling: Domain Model.

Appointment Scheduling: Domain Model

The Appointment Scheduling: Domain Model is the process-level event storm for scheduling appointments. It’s a detailed view of the Appointment Scheduling flow derived from the EHR: Big Picture Event Storm.

The system involves managing patient appointments and schedules by coordinating between patients, practitioners, and admins, viewing/reserving available time slots, handling appointment requests/notifications, and managing appointment statuses from scheduling to completion/cancellation.

Key policies ensure availability and scheduling are streamlined and effectively communicated.

Appointment Scheduling Flow

Although Event Storming is used for both flows, the Appointment Scheduling: Domain Model contains more detail than the EHR: Big Picture Event Storm to help us visualize the interactions, data flows, and policies of the Appointment Scheduling process.

Appointment Scheduling Flow

The Domain Model will now make it easy to simulate and write test scenarios via Example Mapping.

The Domain Model will also serve as a communication tool when designing the UX and architecting the System Design as well as future architecture discussions and enhancements. This is a business processes and system model combined.

Appointment Scheduling: Feature Requirements

We can capture a feature’s (e.g. appointment scheduling) requirements by defining User Stories, Example Mappings, and executable Gherkin Scenarios (Acceptance Criteria). This involves breaking down user stories into concrete examples and writing scenarios to ensure clarity and completeness.

The following is an example of a User Story, Example Mapping, and corresponding Gherkin Scenarios for the Appointment Scheduling Flow.

User Story

Appointment Scheduling User Story

As a patient, I want to schedule an appointment, so that I can receive medical care from my practitioner.

The above User Story starts at the Request Availability Command and ends at the Appointment Scheduled Event (in the Appointment Scheduling: Domain Model). It involves multiple steps and interactions between the patient, practitioner, and the system.

Other Example Stories

  • “As a doctor, I want to set my availability so that patients can only book appointments during my working hours.”
  • “As a patient, I want to receive a notification when my appointment is confirmed so that I can plan my day accordingly.”
  • “As an admin, I want to view all scheduled appointments so that I can manage the clinic’s daily schedule.”

Breaking Down the User Story

Next, let’s map out the various examples and scenarios for the above Appointment Scheduling User Story.

Example Mapping

Appointment RequestedPatient requests an appointment1. Request appointment when slots are available
2. Request appointment when no slots are available
Appointment ReservedSystem reserves an appointment slot3. Successfully reserve an appointment slot
4. Attempt to reserve an already reserved slot
Notification SentNotification is sent upon reservation5. Notification sent to patient and practitioner
Appointment ScheduledPractitioner confirms and schedules the appointment6. Schedule appointment after reservation
7. Attempt to schedule appointment without reservation
Appointment CanceledPerson cancels an appointment8. Cancel appointment successfully
9. Attempt to cancel an already cancelled appointment

Gherkin Scenarios

Gherkin scenarios are written in a structured format that is easy to understand and can be used for manual testing, automated testing, and acceptance testing.

Here are some example scenarios based on the Example Mapping:

Scenario 1: Request appointment when slots are available

Feature: Request Appointment
  Scenario: Request appointment when slots are available
    Given the patient is logged in
    And there are available appointment slots
    When the patient requests an appointment
    Then the appointment is requested successfully
    And a confirmation message is shown

Scenario 2: Request appointment when no slots are available

Feature: Request Appointment
  Scenario: Request appointment when no slots are available
    Given the patient is logged in
    And there are no available appointment slots
    When the patient requests an appointment
    Then an error message is shown indicating no availability

Scenario 3: Successfully reserve an appointment slot

Feature: Reserve Appointment
  Scenario: Successfully reserve an appointment slot
    Given the patient is logged in
    And an appointment slot is available
    When the patient reserves the appointment slot
    Then the appointment slot is reserved successfully
    And a confirmation message is shown

Scenario 4: Attempt to reserve an already reserved slot

Feature: Reserve Appointment
  Scenario: Attempt to reserve an already reserved slot
    Given the practitioner is logged in
    And the appointment slot is already reserved
    When the practitioner attempts to reserve the appointment slot
    Then an error message is shown indicating the slot is already reserved

Scenario 5: Notification sent to patient and practitioner

Feature: Send Notification
  Scenario: Notification sent to patient and practitioner
    Given the appointment slot is reserved
    When the system sends a notification
    Then the patient receives a notification
    And the practitioner receives a notification

Scenario 6: Schedule appointment after reservation

Feature: Schedule Appointment
  Scenario: Schedule appointment after reservation
    Given the appointment slot is reserved
    When the system schedules the appointment
    Then the appointment is scheduled successfully
    And a confirmation message is shown to both the patient and practitioner

Scenario 7: Attempt to schedule appointment without reservation

Feature: Schedule Appointment
  Scenario: Attempt to schedule appointment without reservation
    Given the appointment slot is not reserved
    When the system attempts to schedule the appointment
    Then an error message is shown indicating reservation is required

Scenario 8: Cancel appointment successfully

Feature: Cancel Appointment
  Scenario: Cancel appointment successfully
    Given the patient is logged in
    And the appointment is scheduled
    When the patient cancels the appointment
    Then the appointment is cancelled successfully
    And a cancellation confirmation is sent to both the patient and practitioner

Scenario 9: Attempt to cancel an already cancelled appointment

Feature: Cancel Appointment
  Scenario: Attempt to cancel an already cancelled appointment
    Given the patient is logged in
    And the appointment is already cancelled
    When the patient attempts to cancel the appointment
    Then an error message is shown indicating the appointment is already cancelled

These scenarios cover various aspects of the appointment scheduling process, ensuring that the system behaves as expected under different conditions.

After mapping out the examples and writing the scenarios, we can now proceed to Architect the System Design.

EHR: Project Plan

The EHR: Project Plan is a detailed plan that breaks down the project into requirements, responsibilities, risks, budget, communications, and quality, then decomposes work for each phase of the development process.


The Project Roadmap is a high-level view that outlines the key milestones, deliverables, and timelines for the EHR system development. It provides a high-level view of the project plan and helps in tracking progress and aligning stakeholders.


Event Storming Legend

Event Storming Legend

  • View Model: The view model represents how the system presents information back to the users or actors. It’s the result of processing events and applying policies, shaping the data into a form that’s useful for the user or the next action.
  • Actor: An actor is an entity (person, system, or external trigger) that interacts with the system. Understanding who or what initiates actions is crucial for mapping out the subsequent steps.
  • Command: A command is an action initiated by an actor, intended to cause some change in the system. It represents the intent to perform an operation.
  • System: The system receives the command and processes it. The system’s role might not always be explicitly represented as a primitive in Event Storming, but it’s understood as the underlying mechanism that handles commands and triggers events.
  • Event: The result of a command is often a domain event. An event is something that has happened in the past and is of importance to the business. It represents the outcome of a command processed by the system.
  • Policy: A policy dictates what action should be taken in response to an event. It can be a business rule or a decision guideline that determines the next course of action. Policies are often triggered by events and can lead to the issuance of new commands.
  • Aggregates: In Domain-Driven Design, which often goes hand-in-hand with Event Storming, an aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit. It’s where commands are processed and events are generated.